Player Protection: The Top Five Benefits of Athletic Mouth Guards
There are countless benefits of signing your child up for any kind of sport or physical activity. They stay healthier, spend more time outdoors, learn how to accept both victory and defeat, and make valuable connections with their peers.
But it’s no secret that injuries from sports are a major risk — especially when it comes to the teeth, mouth, and any orthodontics your child may have.
Athletic mouthguards can help.
Read on to learn why you need to make sure your children wear them when out on the court or field.
1. It Decreases the Likelihood of Injury
Over 3.5 million children are injured every year during some kind of sports activity.
As a parent, we know that you want to do everything you can to protect your child. Helmets, shin guards, and knee pads are important — and so are athletic mouthguards.
In fact, mouthguards can prevent about 200,000 teeth and mouth injuries every single year.
2. It Guards More Than Just Teeth
Wearing a mouth guard doesn’t just guard an athlete’s teeth.
It also protects the gums, the soft tissues, the tongue, even the lips.
This is because mouthguards absorb much of the blow from a sudden and intense fall or tackle, and will make sure that the force of impact doesn’t hit a single area in the mouth.
This is also an excellent way to prevent serious jaw injuries and other potentially major trauma.
3. Customized Options Don’t Limit Airflow
Especially if you’re concerned about how a mouth guard could impact your child’s airflow, we suggest you have a custom option created.
A dental professional will take a mold of your child’s teeth and mouth.
This way, the guard will fit perfectly, won’t slip, and allows for the perfect airflow.
In the majority of cases, however, a standard athletic mouthguard will work perfectly.
4. A Sports Mouth Guard Protects Your Investment
You’ve spent a lot of time — and even more money — giving your child the perfect smile.
One of the biggest reasons why your child should wear protective mouth guards at all times when playing sports? Because they’re a whole lot cheaper than reparative dental work — and much less painful, too.
Sometimes, it’s all about protecting your investment.
5. Athletic Mouthguards Work for Lots of Different Sports
One final benefit of a sports mouth guard?
They work for a variety of different sports.
Whether your child loves all things hockey, can’t get enough of basketball, or likes to play high-contact sports like football or even wrestling, a mouthguard will keep their teeth and mouth safe.
Invest in Athletic Mouthguards Today
From protecting your child against serious injury to protecting your orthodontic investments, there are countless reasons why athletic mouthguards are absolutely essential.
Want to make an appointment to learn more about how to improve your child’s smile — or perhaps even your own?
We’ve got you covered when it comes to Invisalign, clear metal brackets, and much more.
Reach out to us to learn more about what we have to offer — and to get invaluable tips on caring for your teeth.